Files >> Starrats
Pink Cat Outfit
Added: 5 March 2006, 17:19
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 623 Kb
Downloaded: 8389 times (1.21 times per day)
Cute outfit for little girls. Top and bottom are separate.
Blue Cat Outfit
Added: 5 March 2006, 17:18
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 618 Kb
Downloaded: 5306 times (0.77 times per day)
Cute outfit for little girls. Top and bottom are separate.
Valentine Decoration 2
Added: 13 February 2006, 15:39
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 37 Kb
Downloaded: 8202 times (1.18 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2 and CEP
Here is another valentine decoration. I hope you all like it. It is a recolour of the decoration shown in the picture
Valentine wall and floors
Added: 12 February 2006, 14:50
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 23 Kb
Downloaded: 4319 times (0.62 times per day)
Here are 2 simple valentine floors and 1 wall.
I hope you all like it.
Valentine Decoration 1
Added: 8 February 2006, 14:16
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 23 Kb
Downloaded: 4842 times (0.70 times per day)
Requires: The christmas object that is shown in the picture.
Here is a valentine decoration. I hope you all like it. You need the christmas object that is shown in the picture.
"Pretty Flower" Walls and Floor Set
Added: 5 February 2006, 20:44
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 135 Kb
Downloaded: 1920 times (0.28 times per day)
A beautiful set with 2 walls and 1 floor. I hope you all like it.
Male Outfit 4
Added: 25 January 2006, 12:46
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 427 Kb
Downloaded: 6702 times (0.96 times per day)
Requires: Nightlife
And another simple recolour for your male sims.
Male Outfit 3
Added: 25 January 2006, 12:44
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 455 Kb
Downloaded: 8560 times (1.23 times per day)
Requires: Nightlife
Another recolour.
Male Outfit 2
Added: 25 January 2006, 12:43
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 452 Kb
Downloaded: 5760 times (0.83 times per day)
Requires: Nightlife
A simple Nightlife recolour.
Male Outfit 1
Added: 25 January 2006, 12:40
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 434 Kb
Downloaded: 4750 times (0.68 times per day)
Requires: Nightlife
A simple recolour for the male sims.