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The Sims 2 >> Clothing
Beach Swim Suit
Added: 31 July 2004, 21:27
Author: FaithK
Size: 248 Kb
Downloaded: 16257 times (2.17 times per day)
A Nice Tropical Bikini for lounging by the pool.
Lucy Outfit
Added: 26 July 2004, 07:02
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 986 Kb
Downloaded: 12877 times (1.71 times per day)
This was the outfit I created for the contest. It is really nice as it includes the shirt, necklace, choker, and jeans. Sorry Lucy not included, outfit only.
Mean Green
Added: 19 July 2004, 06:28
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 83 Kb
Downloaded: 11184 times (1.49 times per day)
This is a set of Shirt (which has a necklace) and a Skirt (which includes formal shoes). This is the mean green set and is perfect for those women ready for the next century. The strapless shirt and vivid green skirt tells those hungry sim guys to back away. So turn on your fashion, cause those sim guys will be drooling after you home.
Got Yak?
Added: 28 May 2004, 18:30
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 639 Kb
Downloaded: 7181 times (0.95 times per day)
Cool shirt for those "love them Yak's" simmies. Straight off the block for The Sims 2, this shirt is a green mean Yak loving machine.