Files >> Jendea
TSZ Birthday Bouquets
Added: 17 November 2003, 03:08
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 175 Kb
Downloaded: 28193 times (3.63 times per day)
Requires: Queen Vivanco Roses (From Official Site) OR Superstar Expansion Pack
Two table top flower bouquets in honor of TSZ's 2nd Birthday.
Summer Rose Bedroom Set
Added: 10 June 2003, 22:21
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.55 Mb
Downloaded: 42426 times (5.36 times per day)
Requires: Livin' Large (for all objects except alarm clock)
Summer Rose Bedroom Set - Dark wood and deep rose Bed, End Table, Lamp, Alarm Clock, Wardrobe, Tapestry and Crest.
Summer Rose Bed (Visitor Enabled)
Added: 10 June 2003, 22:19
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.15 Mb
Downloaded: 23706 times (2.99 times per day)
Requires: Livin' Large
Warning: This object has been modified in .iff pencil - use at your own descretion! "Gently hacked" Visitor enabled bed for use Downtown, Community, and on Studio Lots.
(Lot 86) Breckenridge Studios
Added: 6 June 2003, 11:16
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 347 Kb
Downloaded: 25742 times (3.25 times per day)
Requires: LL, HP, HD, VAC, SS
Small studio lot packed with fame objects - designed for low through mid level stars in mind to build careers and make money.
(Lot 83) Mainstream Music
Added: 6 June 2003, 11:12
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 177 Kb
Downloaded: 10867 times (1.37 times per day)
Requires: LL, HP, HD, VAC, UL, SS, Black Window and Door Set from my section (Jen)
All music fame creating objects plus a large spa, coffee shop and small rec area.
Modern Living
Added: 1 June 2003, 02:04
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.04 Mb
Downloaded: 18792 times (2.37 times per day)
Requires: LL, HP
Decor includes three "stone" walls, 2 carpets, 3 stone tiles and one light wood floor. There is a window, sliding door and stone column to match the walls. Set also includes 2 chairs, plant, end table, stone coffee table and chandelier.
Roofs - Shake and Ceramic
Added: 14 May 2003, 22:08
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 17 Kb
Downloaded: 14757 times (1.86 times per day)
10 roofs - 5 ceramic and 5 shake
(Lot 7) Olympic Ave
Added: 6 May 2003, 23:13
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 436 Kb
Downloaded: 34221 times (4.30 times per day)
Requires: LL, HD, Downtown Window Pack (from my section - Jen - at this site)
The Olympic Ave is a 4+BR/4 Bath home with an "Olympic" style pool. $36,154.
Basic Floors
Added: 4 May 2003, 02:29
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 138 Kb
Downloaded: 24737 times (3.11 times per day)
A pack of color co-ordinated floors: eight carpets, five tiles and two decorative carpets.
Spring Garden Items
Added: 1 May 2003, 02:40
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.18 Mb
Downloaded: 10457 times (1.31 times per day)
Requires: Hot Date
For spring, items for your sims' garden: Evergreen hedge, tall and low egg hedges, purple spring shrub, rose bush, boulder, 2 mulch peices (acts like flowers), 2 Hanging plants, 7 floors - including 3 paths and misc.
landscaping materials.
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