Files >> (Lot 5) Bermont Estate
(Lot 5) Bermont Estate
Added: 7 September 2004, 23:17
Author: Carrie
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 80 Kb
Downloaded: 15634 times (2.10 times per day)
Requires: All expansion packs.
Sections: Houses
This house was the home of the late Henry Bermont and his wife. After their mysterious passing, family members decided to sell the house so that any suspected curses could be lifted. Is your Sim family brave enough to challege its ghostly inhabitants?
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Written at 00:16 on Wednesday, 8 September 2004 by elvendragon
Aww, man! Could I possibly request a house that requires every expansion pack but hot date and makin magic? I dont have those ones!
Written at 15:59 on Wednesday, 8 September 2004 by Andy (TSZ) (Andy)
Sometimes when creating a house, it is very hard work for the architect to remember from what expansion pack each wall or floor or object came.
Site Manager & Assistant Webmaster
Written at 20:57 on Sunday, 23 January 2005 by Amanda (shine137)
cool i made one just like that
Amanda xoxo
Written at 18:34 on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 by Heather (fridaylover451)
that looks great
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