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Files >> Holographic Projection Entertainment 2.0
Holographic Projection Entertainment 2.0

Holographic Projection Entertainment 2.0 Preview Added: 12 April 2004, 00:50
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 163 Kb
Downloaded: 55352 times (7.29 times per day)
Sections: Objects, Sumit

Viva! Straight from the icy hills of Novaya Siberium, The Sims Zone Industries is proud to present HPE 2.0. After deliberate accidents and faulty mechanics the final version of HPE 2.0 has finally been completed. This high quality entertainment projector will give your sims their money's worth.
Download Now!

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Written at 09:14 on Tuesday, 13 April 2004 by elvendragon
Where do you get that bear from?

woot! w00t! w007! \/\/007!!

Written at 20:06 on Monday, 3 May 2004 by S (Lavenderchick)
The bear is form hot date!

Written at 18:52 on Thursday, 6 May 2004 by Sam Atkins (atkinssj)
Quality. Pity it's a donation file.....

Written at 17:31 on Tuesday, 15 June 2004 by GOH SHI YONG (SHI_YONG)
YEP! you are right its just a donation file.

Written at 10:01 on Monday, 12 July 2004 by Jerry Johnson (jerry542)
Very nice! I wish i had money on my paypal account. and i think they should have more to make it better for us if we donate. I would if i had the money.

Written at 13:53 on Thursday, 21 October 2004 by bookboymike13
wont work for me i buy it then the game time stops aslong as its on my lot.

Written at 19:57 on Thursday, 6 January 2005 by Kayley (Kleerulz)
hey! this doesnt work... i dunno what its supposed to do anyway... but when i click on it, it doesnt do anything. i used it on the normal sims, none of the expansion packs, so is that why?

Written at 00:08 on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 by Craig (Flak)
You guys are Crazy it works fine but my sims fun does not go up when he watches it!!!

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