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Files >> Valentine's Lingerie: 2003
Valentine's Lingerie: 2003

Valentine's Lingerie: 2003 Preview Added: 1 February 2003, 01:00
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.13 Mb
Downloaded: 40531 times (5.03 times per day)
Sections: Jendea, Skins

Three outfits for Valentine's Day. All skin tones per outfit, plus three new heads. Pant mesh by bRuDe; nightie mesh by Maxis; panty/top mesh by Threnody; all three head meshes by Fionn: SimFreaks
Download Now!

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Written at 23:28 on Wednesday, 17 March 2004 by Jessica (Pink)
These are wicked! I'm gonna down load em' wish I had lingerie like it! Might go and buy some now from La senza in Bluewater! xxx

Written at 05:41 on Saturday, 3 April 2004 by kristina (Kittygirl)
I download but it does not work why? what am i doing wrong?

Written at 22:47 on Sunday, 25 April 2004 by S (Lavenderchick)
Wow i luv the PJs they are sooo sweet

Written at 01:53 on Wednesday, 14 July 2004 by Kaitlin (SimGirl1234)
FINALLY!!! I have found Lingere that DOESN'T require Hot Date!!!
I am a Pyromaniac.Be scared.Be VERY,VERY scared....

Written at 01:43 on Thursday, 29 July 2004 by Michelle (babygirl433565)
\nEdited at 02:09 on Thursday, 29 July 2004 by Michelle (babygirl433565)
I love these pjs but, my comp. wont let me download them... it says it is not supported. What do I do? some1 plz help!

Written at 23:36 on Tuesday, 18 January 2005 by Amanda (shine137)
i love em gota download it! finally one that doesnt rquire hot d8
Amanda xoxo

Written at 01:20 on Wednesday, 6 December 2006 by michael (michaelsmeltser)

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