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Files >> (Lot 7) Ye Olde Victorian
(Lot 7) Ye Olde Victorian

(Lot 7) Ye Olde Victorian Preview Added: 13 December 2002, 05:53
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 861 Kb
Downloaded: 17002 times (2.10 times per day)
Sections: Houses, Jendea

5 BR/4 Bath Victorian Home. $37,031 Requires Livin'Large, HP and HD, my Black Shuttered Window and Bettyjoe's "BJ's Floral Victorian Set" Walls available on this site. I used a few plants from Vac. and Unleashed, but could be used without.
Download Now!

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Written at 14:58 on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 by Darlene Sweetman (simbuddy6155)
This house crashed my game! I REALKLY like the style of the house, so I am hoping you can help me correct whatever is wrong...
E-mail any correspondence concerning this matter to: Darsweetman@AOL.com
Thanks for ANY help you can give me!
Dar Sweetman

Written at 21:26 on Friday, 21 May 2004 by Benny Khoo (kian_h20)
This is a really beautiful , elegant house and looks very grand too.
i am kok kian

Written at 07:45 on Saturday, 31 July 2004 by theresa (theresa)
i downloaded this item. Now how do i insert it into my game.?
theresa belt

Written at 14:47 on Sunday, 15 August 2004 by Craig (Edney)
I also downloaded it but when I clicked on the house it took me straight out of the game!Can somone please correct this problem?!

Written at 01:57 on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 by Emy (CutestGrlhere)
UHHH !!!!!!!! this house is so Cute ,,,

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