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(Lot 6) The Greenwood Estate

(Lot 6) The Greenwood Estate Preview Added: 9 October 2002, 16:45
Author: Carrie
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 42 Kb
Downloaded: 5350 times (0.66 times per day)
Sections: Houses

This 2 story brick house is a wonderful place for those Sims who will be starting a family soon. It has 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and a family room, along with a kitchen and deck off to the side of the house. There is also a little room for expansion.
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Written at 06:42 on Saturday, 23 July 2011 by jia147003
coach storesA daughter who was betrothed to her Coach Purseshusband went far away, and then before Coach Shoesshe left for her husband\'s house her mother gave her very, very good advice. The mother didn\'t cry and did not let the daughter cry. Instead she said, \"You must listen to me. Coach HandbagsThis is a very happy day. God has blessedcoach bagsyou with a good husband , who doesn\'t gamble, who doesn\'t fool around with other women, who doesn\'t drink, who doesn\'t cheat; but who\'s honest, coach factorycharitable, gentle, moral, virtuous and handsome inside and outside.\"coach for sale Inside he was more beautiful than outside. Inside he is white, even though outside he is black.So the daughter was smiling and listening with care, love and attention to the mother.

Written at 06:46 on Saturday, 23 July 2011 by jia147003
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