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Files >> SB II Women's Collection
SB II Women's Collection

SB II Women's Collection Preview Added: 22 September 2002, 11:54
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 305 Kb
Downloaded: 14882 times (1.82 times per day)
Sections: Sim Brother, Skins

Official SB II T-Shirt, Camisole and Jersey. All three skins tones. (Model heads available seperately) Body meshes by Jerome: http://jerome.simfreaks.com/
Download Now!

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Written at 13:17 on Thursday, 15 April 2004 by Sarah (--_SaZ_--)
Woah, way cool!

Written at 14:45 on Monday, 26 July 2004 by Jenni (meanaxi)
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