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Files >> Gold Draped Dress
Gold Draped Dress

Gold Draped Dress Preview Added: 14 August 2002, 10:02
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 59 Kb
Downloaded: 17506 times (2.13 times per day)
Sections: Jendea, Skins

Gold dress for light skin tone. Model in pic is "Blondie". Mesh by Jerome: http://jerome.simfreaks.com/
Download Now!

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Written at 13:45 on Saturday, 4 September 2004 by Jo (simsiren)
How gorgeous is this dress? This is gonna have to be neccesary dress in my Golden Mansion... *

Written at 02:57 on Sunday, 5 September 2004 by jessica (BabyGrrl)
Almost every single clothing skin I have download has caused my game to crash. Including this one. What in the world is wrong?

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