Files >> (Lot 40) Alpine Escape Ski Lodge
(Lot 40) Alpine Escape Ski Lodge
Added: 3 April 2002, 00:28
Author: Carrie
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 58 Kb
Downloaded: 6767 times (0.81 times per day)
Sections: Vacation
This cozy lodge is the perfect getaway for any Sim. It has an indoor pool and 2 hot tubs. The master suite has its own private bathroom door and each room has direct access to the 2nd floor wrap-around deck. Be sure to make your reservation today!
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Written at 18:44 on Monday, 1 November 2004 by Kaitlin (SimGirl1234)
I was wondering what expansion packs this requires. I only have TS,HP,HD,VA,UL, and SS. I don't have LL or MM because i won the others off of ebay and it unfortunatly didn't have LL or MM in the lot. I'll get those two though!
I am a Pyromaniac.Be scared.Be VERY,VERY scared....
Written at 18:46 on Monday, 1 November 2004 by Kaitlin (SimGirl1234)
Oh, Happy Halloween!
I am a Pyromaniac.Be scared.Be VERY,VERY scared....
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