101,014,442 visitors since 2 February 2002 

Files >> (Lot 4) Winthrop
(Lot 4) Winthrop

(Lot 4) Winthrop Preview Added: 30 March 2002, 14:01
Author: Mike
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 59 Kb
Downloaded: 2574 times (0.31 times per day)
Sections: Houses

Lovely 2 story 4 bedroom home. The kids have their own bedrooms! Kitchen, dining room, study and living room and a "workshop"! Carefully designed to accomadate a pool. All this for only 61,316! Fully Furnished (Created with Livin' Large and HD)
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Written at 05:07 on Monday, 19 April 2004 by Lauren Ezzy (Lozza_Rulez)
Needs to be more layed out
e.g-(links)objects, Applieces

Written at 05:12 on Monday, 19 April 2004 by Lauren Ezzy (Lozza_Rulez)
I'm sorry your site rockz i was just new to it
if you want to make it better though- look at the site www.aroundthesims.com that site rockz this world by far.

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