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Files >> WLW House Drive-up Starter
WLW House Drive-up Starter

WLW House Drive-up Starter Preview Added: 11 March 2007, 05:30
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 600 Kb
Downloaded: 6359 times (0.97 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2 and all expansions (Uni, NL, OfB, Pets, Seasons)
Sections: Jendea, Residential

Starter: 19,871 (furnished)
2 Bedroom 1 1/2 Bath

2 story modern home with carport and pond.

Be sure to pick up and install the We Like White 2 Windows and the We Like White 2 Build Pack These files are not included in the individual "WLW" packages since they are used in every lot. Download them once to makethis home and all the other WLW homes look like they should!
Download Now!

These comments express the view and/or opinion of our visitors and not The Sims Zone. It's not necessarily The Sims Zone's or any of its staff members' opinion. The Sims Zone cannot be held responsible for what's said in these comments. Abusers of this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Written at 20:32 on Sunday, 11 March 2007 by Pat (patandmegan)
Thank you so much, Jendea.


Written at 21:18 on Monday, 17 December 2007 by Jo (royal)
It would be great apart from it made my game CRASH

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