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Spike's Outfit

Spike's Outfit Preview Added: 25 February 2007, 15:29
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 540 Kb
Downloaded: 5644 times (0.86 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Sections: Clothing, Starrats

Spike's outfit.
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Written at 05:12 on Saturday, 30 June 2007 by Bob & Julie A Magill (mag57)
\nEdited at 05:17 on Saturday, 30 June 2007 by Bob & Julie A Magill (mag57)
Spikes Outfit= Spike can now go sing in a Band , Well Meybe go to a Dance and Sing at the Karaoke.

Written at 22:58 on Saturday, 17 January 2009 by Carter (PrincessPeachii)
OH. MY. GOD! I LOVE SPIKE! Thanks so much for making this! I will download it soon and then make all of my characters Spikes except me then I CAN MAKE OUT WITH THEM ALL! Muahahaha!

Written at 14:56 on Wednesday, 6 July 2011 by hepe (whatgary)
wigs world that a woman is not a woman just because it dose not what it should do sports his baldness or should it buy a wig like lace wigs way I do, I\'d be crazy sports medical hair my problem and show front wigs world if I will be bald for shunde / baldness and observe how you feel something because you never know when the day will come when even you (the author of this article) will look over the counter hair extensions you store local trying to buy weave to cover a stain or not even you, it can be your child or someone you love .

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