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Files >> 3rd Recolour of the lost swimwear
3rd Recolour of the lost swimwear

3rd Recolour of the lost swimwear Preview Added: 2 April 2006, 17:03
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 820 Kb
Downloaded: 4807 times (0.70 times per day)
Sections: Clothing, Starrats

A light recolour of the lost swimmingsuit.
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Written at 14:32 on Monday, 26 June 2006 by Liis (Jellyfish)
Where can I find these hairstyles? I like them. Can you tell?

Written at 13:16 on Saturday, 1 July 2006 by Patricia (Starrats)
The hair came with Open For Business.

Written at 23:37 on Friday, 24 June 2011 by Sophie Abbott (sophie11maggie)
Love this swim suit :)

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